Kingdom – Brown Notebook

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Current problem

The Father’s way of life has been exchanged for the way of life of man. This is where the trouble is from. God’s will for his children is only good and perfection, but man can change this and forget the way of the Father. When this is done, many things are created and brought to many. This is why we say think of perfection, know only love, and put your faith in the Father, who has only good for his children. It is through this you will gradually realise the true way of life. (Saturday, April 4, 1959)

The life of your peoples is quite confusing. They rush to and fro, hardly knowing what they are going to do. [They] labor to eke out an existence in material things. My friends, this is all so unnecessary. The Father did not create his children to live in this confusion. (Tuesday, July 21, 1959)

Man upon your planet is torn between two factions, shall we say: the laws and creation of man on one side and the Father and his creation on the other. We have offered freedom in the way of life we present. Man on your planet presents trials and tribulations and slavery to customs and society. Look to the Father and love and understanding for a new way. Try this for a while and watch the results. (Tuesday, December 22, 1959)

Many ideas and concepts will have to be changed, especially in your religions. Here the people of Earth have bogged down in these concepts and ideas. Live the law of love and your peoples will gain rapidly. (Friday, October 3, 1958)

The transition to the Kingdom

More and more people on your planet are realising every day that there is something better in the universe than they have ever known before. This enlightenment is coming about through new concepts and ideas placed throughout your planet. These concepts and ideas are placed by people, like yourself, who are working in the service of the people of your planet.

Many strange and wonderful things will come about to start your people thinking. Through their thinking is the only way the people can prepare themselves for this golden dawn of understanding.

Certain things will disappear when this new age comes about. Greed, money, sickness, lust and hate will all pass. Many things we know will not be acceptable in this new age. These things will be replaced by love: love, the greatest force in creation.

Our many universes were created out of the love of the Creator. Love is the only ruling force in these vast universes. When this love is lost, we become unbalanced. If we cannot balance ourselves, the job is taken over by the Creator in a wise and just manner.

There is still time for the people of Earth to balance themselves. “O people of Earth, use your remaining time so you can truly come home to the Kingdom of God.” (Wednesday, October 8, 1958)

We are in the Kingdom already

You are in the kingdom of one of the Father’s mansions now. Wake up, my children, and realise you are in the Kingdom of God, as you say, now, this very moment. Live in love, the love that is your creation. (Sunday, January 18, 1959)

Expressing love and the Kingdom

If you are expressing love, no matter where you are you will know you are in the Kingdom of Heaven. Do not look to the future, people of Earth, for the Kingdom of Heaven. It is around you all the time, created in love and beauty by the Father. When you begin to realise this, your life will take on a new understanding. (Monday, March 30, 1959)

Heaven is around you always. It only needs to be discovered by you. Love is the way to this great discovery. Love: the Father’s way. (Thursday, August 6, 1959)

Be aware of the Kingdom

Look about you. Think and know what is going on about you. You are in the Kingdom of Heaven now. Be aware of it. (Friday, March 18, 1960)