Frequency – Brown Notebook

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The Brown Notebook includes a number of references to frequency and letting the light of the Creator shine through us. This is important in its own right and ties in with spiritual laws. Separately, it also indirectly ties into manifesting.

Express light

Let the light and love of the Creator shine through you, for you are an expression of the Creator. (Monday, November 30, 1959)

Light and love you are, light and love of the Father. Let this light and love shine through you into the physical world you are in now. (Tuesday, December 22, 1959)

To reflect the loving light of the Most Radiant One is something to strive for, my son. Let your outward expressions show everyone and everything you are aware of this light of the Father within your very being. It is there. (Wednesday, July 15, 1959)

Whichever path you take, whichever way you choose, you will eventually seek the Father, the source of your being. The ultimate goal of all creation is to express the Father and his presence. (Thursday, September 10, 1959)

Spiritual laws

As you give forth with what you have or know, you will receive more. That is the universal law of the Father. Give love and you will receive more love. Give understanding and you will receive more understanding. This also applies to hate. If you give hate, you will reap more hate. (Wednesday, March 19, 1959)

Those who have love and light as their beacon will inherit the Earth. This is spoken of in your holy works as “the meek shall inherit the Earth.” This is so. Evil will have to be manifested in another place by those who create evil. (Friday, April 17, 1959)

Live in love. Have only thoughts of love and your awareness will grow. (Saturday, July 11, 1959)

Love is essential to the awareness of the Father. Come to know real love that encompasses all things of the creation and you will come to know the Father, who is all love. (Tuesday, July 14, 1959)


Thought, my brother, is very important. It is through thought we create. The Father created everything in the beginning through thought. (Friday, April 3, 1959)

Eventually your thoughts will manifest into an experience. You can make this experience your own choice by your thoughts. Thoughts of love, understanding, peace and harmony will bring about these conditions. So why manifest your own discomfort through negative thinking? (Wednesday, September 9, 1959)