The Kingdom and Metanoia

  • Post category:Kingdom

The greek word Metanoia or Metanoeo was used in combination with some of the earliest references to the Kingdom of Heaven at the start of Jesus's teachings: From that time Jesus began to preach, saying, “[Μετανοεῖτε - Metanoeite], for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 4:17) “The time is fulfilled, and the Kingdom of God is at hand;…

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Frequency – Brown Notebook

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The Brown Notebook includes a number of references to frequency and letting the light of the Creator shine through us. This is important in its own right and ties in with spiritual laws. Separately, it also indirectly ties into manifesting. Express light Let the light and love of the Creator shine through you, for you are an expression of the…

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Kingdom – Teachings of Jesus

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Entering the spiritual dimension known as the "Kingdom of Heaven" was the key focus of the teachings of Jesus in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke.  He urged us to seek it now and provided teachings as to its nature and how to enter into it. The Kingdom is Jesus's good news “but he said to them, “I must…

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Kingdom – Brown Notebook

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Current problem The Father’s way of life has been exchanged for the way of life of man. This is where the trouble is from. God’s will for his children is only good and perfection, but man can change this and forget the way of the Father. When this is done, many things are created and brought to many. This is…

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Going within – Allan Cronshaw

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Prayer"I began my quest by developing a rather unique prayer which I came to call the invocation of the disciple in search of the Light and Truth. First I prayed in the manner that Jesus taught: I prayed for the kingdom to come -- for the bread of the morrow -- for the power to forgive all people -- and…

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Going within – Brown Notebook

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Going within Meditate and try to reach your inner self. It is through this that you will become aware of all things. (Monday, October 20, 1958)Meditate and go within for your answers. Through meditation and proper living you will discover the Father within. (Monday, December 8, 1958)Countless times you will hear us say meditate and go within. Within lies all…

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Journey – Hymn of the Pearl

  • Post category:The Journey

The Hymn of the Pearl is an ancient text and beautiful allegory of the spiritual journey from the highest levels, down to Earth and back up again. It is contained with the third-century text 'Acts of Thomas', but is believed to be composed by a different and unknown author and originally written in either the first or second century. The narrative…

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